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- 2016-04-25
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He ,like most predatory cowards, saw somebody small he figured he could jump by himself with no witnesses. He also probably figured the kid was unarmed. Zimmerman also knows that neighborhood watches work with the police force and 911. He did not want any witnesses. Hispanic is not a race; it is a language-based culture. George"s father is not Hispanic and was probably the biggest influence on his son"s thinking. and propensity for racism. He played the Hispanic card to down play that side. Being "Hispanic" is no guarantee that he was not racist. GZ"s "ground" was where he was parked when he first saw Tray Martin. He can"t drag his "ground" around and throw it down where ever he pleases. Tray Martin" as a citizen of Florida also had a right to stand his ground in a place where he had a right to be. He apparently knew the neighborhood well to make a quick run to the store and take shortcuts like all kids do in familiar neighborhoods whether it"s day or night and they know the stores open hours. I know men like George Zimmerman who try to go after weak targets to prove their non-existent manhood. The match here was a huge gun versus a bag of skittles and a can of tea; a man versus a kid. A murder done by a cowardly ego-fueled full-grown supposed to be man to a half-grown kid. Did they test GZ for drugs in his system that night? shouldn"t Trayvon be able to fight for his life when the creepy guy following confronts him with a gun and he knows he can"t outrun a bullet. He probably saw intent in those beady angry crazy eyes of GZ. 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